How To Burn Fat And Feed Muscle - 5 Myths About Fat-Burning Process
Hello to all people who are eager to know how to burn fat and feed muscle! That is not so hard to do! In order to lose some weight and obtain strong muscles you just to know some tips and follow them every time. And, of course, you should not take on trust some wrong information about fat-burning process. Today I'm going to tell you about 5 most common myths people fall for when they trying to lose some weight and become fit and strong.
Myth number 1
Myth number 1: you are to do cardio every morning on an empty stomach and thus you will be able to burn your fat. Not at all! If you will exercise on an empty stomach every morning, that will not be much beneficial in your fat-burning war. Besides, no one wants to do tiring, slow and boring cardio at 6am while they have only one desire: to eat. If you happen to know any alternative to morning cardio, will you choose it then?
Myth number 2
Myth number 2: you need to do cardio in the fat burning zone. In reality, when you do some exercises in the fat burning zone, you only burn a few extra calories than if you weren't doing anything at all! For example, cardio workouts can't help you to lose belly fat. If you want to burn all your overweight and make your muscles stronger, you are to try short, burst exercise workouts instead of slow ones.
Myth number 3
Myth number 3: you are to do cardio every day. It is also a controversial question. Some people are so busy that they can't devote much time to do cardio. But they really need to feed their muscle and to burn fat! On this issue scientists claim that you don't have to do cardio every day. However, as much as 3 short workouts about 45 minutes per week will be quite enough.
Myth number 4
Myth number 4: you are to do cardio not less than 20 minutes before your fat start burning. Indeed, it is not true! As a matter of the fact, we are burning calories and fat permanently, even sitting or sleeping. Certainly, workouts increase the speed with which your fat burns, but it is not necessarily to do exercising for at least 20 minutes in order to activate your fat-burning process. I know some special workouts that can start the process right now!
Myth number 5
Myth number 5: you are not able to burn fat and to feed muscle simultaneously. Far from it! Now a great number of researchers state that a combined process is really workable. However, you should know some techniques in order to do the exercises properly.
And if you want to know these techniques, you can read the diet e-book "Turbulence Training" by Craig Ballantyne
Need something more? Then read some other diet e-books and choose one you like most of all!
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