How To Burn Fat In Stomach

In this FREE presentation below, you'll find:

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  • 2 so-called "health" foods that you should NEVER eat (they can actually increase stomach fat)
  • Motivation secrets for lifelong fitness success
  • 1 unique "trick" to reduce junk-food cravings
  • Discover the weird workouts and learn how to burn fat in stomach faster than typical "cardio"
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and show a sexy set of Six Pack Abs.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Essential Diet Requirements When Building Six Pack Abs

Essential Diet Requirements When Building Six Pack Abs
By []Daniel Major

The most important determinant of the success of building six pack abs is the diet you follow. Forget the notion that anyone who wants to build their body, needs to limit food intake. This is not only counterproductive, but will make your body more prone to fatigue in such times of extreme stress. In addition, you are in the process of adding more muscles to complete your six packs. If this is so, your body will need all the building blocks it can get from a healthy diet.

So if you desperately want that athletic body with well defined abdominal muscles, invest in the right foods. Below are the essential food components required in the building of muscle and six pack abs:

1) Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates supply energy to the body in the form of glucose, the simplest form of sugar needed by the cell. Without glucose, cell metabolism cannot ensue and ATP (adenosine triphosphate), the cell's energy unit, cannot be produced.

Just imagine the type of work your muscles do when you are in the process of building six pack abs from your currently flat, if not fatty, belly. Furthermore, the release of glucose triggers the production of insulin, a type of hormone that facilitates entry of protein and fat in the cells, two other essential nutrients needed by your body.

So choose the types of carbohydrates that release a constant supply of energy rather than those that release energy in bulk. These are the so-called low-glycemic carbs and can be obtained from cereals, nuts, salmon, and others.

2) Protein: Protein produces amino acids, the building blocks of our body. The process by which the body builds and tones the abdominal muscles is called micro trauma, in which the body is subjected to rigorous activity causing muscle cells to break.

From this breakage, new cell growth and development is triggered as a coping mechanism of the body to ensure that it doesn't harm itself. Without protein, what will your body use to build new cells?

When building six pack abs, it is recommended that one consumes one to two grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. Be sure to take in protein sources containing essential amino acids.

3) Dietary supplements: Of course, vitamins and minerals are essential in regulating body processes. This means that without them, your body will not function to the best of its ability because of the lack of nutrients to drive the body's many processes.

If you are in a six pack abs program, you will be recommended the best supplements for building six pack abs. Be sure to look for creatine in the supplements, which facilitates the production of ATP and glutamine. In addition, ensure that what you have are natural supplements, staying away from steroids.

The best way to ensure your efforts at building muscle is successful is with an "all-in-one abs program" which covers everything will need to successfully achieve your goal. Easily the most effective program available is the highly regarded []Six Pack Shortcuts. Find out why YOU should choose this program by reading this []Six Pack Shortcuts Review.

Article Source: [] Essential Diet Requirements When Building Six Pack Abs

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